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Материалы конференции и индексирование

Материалы конференции будут размещены в журнале IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.Великобритания. Срок индексации материалов - декабрь 2019 года.

Программа конференции International Scientific Conference "Investments. Construction. Real Estate: New Technologies and Targeted Development Priorities-2019" (ICRE-2019), 25-26 April 2019, Irkutsk, Russia

First author surname

Article title

Abdullin, Zhuravlyov

Procedural problems of forensic construction technical examination


Social and economic development of Irkutsk region

Alekseev, Novitsky

The concept and technology of a unified digital space organizing of an operational enterprise as a necessary condition for the intelligent automation of pipeline systems


Investigation of the ozone treatment effectiveness of urban wastewater containing biologically-resistant organic pollution


Legal aspects of regulation of real estate services in the real estate market


Lean production in investment-construction industry. Adaptation to phases of customer business cycle 

Balabanov, Protsenko

Stone mastic asphalt with the use of a stabilizing additive from hydrolytic lignin

Bao Na

The development from special economic zone (SEZ) to free trade zone (FTZ) of China

Baranova, Bobrova

Heat-insulating foam concrete based on microsilica reinforced with fiber

Baranova, Ryabkov

Investigation of thermal conductivity of non-autoclaved foam concrete based on microsilica


Risks of long-term leasing transactions for construction industry development


Analysis of information support for innovation development

Beregova, Klipin, Shupletsov

Problems and prospects of import substitution in the construction industry of the region

Bogatyreva, Matveev

The monetization of benefits and "pension reform"

Bogatyreva, Tagarov,Kolmakov

Transformation of the Bank of Russia into the USSR State Bank


Urban topology of university campus


INRTU campus development strategy

Bovkun, Korodyuk

Analysis of the development of small innovative enterprises in the construction industry

Chupin, Minh Pham, Chupin

Оptimization of developing district water supply systems taking into account variability of perspective water consumption

Chupin, Minh Pham, Chupin

Optimization of the sewerage systems scheme of cities and populated areas

Damdinova, Tangatova, Vasilevich

Studying of conditions of water supply and water disposal in buddhist cult complex

Dmitrieva, Lukin, Khukhuudei

Study of steel I-beams with plate corrugated web at restrained torsion

Dmitrieva, Lukin, Khukhuudei

Test calculation of steel I-beams with non-standart cross-section at restrained torsion

Dykusova, Golovina

How will changes in legislation affect the real estate market?


Author's regional measurement of investment intensity of gross regional product of Irkutsk region


Author's integrated methods of analysis of the model of return on assets of construction companies

Gertsekovich,Gorbachevskaya, Grigorova, Peshkov

Return on investment in REIT real estate funds


Modern trends of development of transport infrastructure


Gentrification: causes and consequences for the regional housing market in Russia

Gorbachevskaya ,Nikityuk, Timchuk

Features of e-business development in the construction industry


Study of the regimes planning problem for pipeline systems tests

Grushina, Shelomentseva

State programs on provision of population with affordable and comfortable housing: an issue of efficient implementation

Grushina, Torgashina

Renovation of residential areas for benefit of builders, state and citizens

Ignatjeva, Esipov, Losj

Triumphal arch and triumphal procession as antiquity identification means in European society in the 15-17 centuries

Ivanova , Ivanov

Preparation and holding of business games implementation of e-learning students of the construction areas

Ivanova, Kozlov, Belomestnyh

Preservation and development of historical heritage of gardens and parks in large European cities

Kaluzhnova, Kosykh,Frolov

Institutional environment for the development of digital economy and blockchain technologies in the Russian Federation

Kalyuzhnova, Violin, Matveeva

Smart Specialization of Russian Regions: Prospects and Limitations

Kaverzina, Коshevoi,   Dorofeeva

The improvement of company planning at the building enterprise

Khokhlova, Kretova, Burov

The problems of investment activity of entrepreneurship and methodological aspects of credit risks assessment

Khokhlova, Yushina

Risk management of credit institutions as a factor of investment activity development

Khozin, Khohryakov, Baishev, Makarenko

Low-water demand cements – a reliable way of CO2 emission reduction

Kolmakov, Leskinen, Kulesh

Conceptual foundations for opportunistic behavior of university teachers

Kolmakov, Lokhtina

Administrative control of prices in the automotive fuel market

Korelina, Zheleznyak

Co-working: gentrification method, “third place” and/or new form of educational environment organization


Extensibility of fibre reinforced concrete


Management of apartment buildings: legal status of managing subjects

Kravсova, Kostrubova

Geometrical substantiation of the graphical technique of building surface contours in perspective view

Kubasova, Tsvigun

Transition Period of Reforming Shared Construction Participation System in Housing Construction of the Russian Federation: Factors and Risks


Mortgage as a way to purchase housing in modern conditions

Kudryavtseva, Vasileva

Transition to the project housing construction financing scheme

Kulakov, Ri

Developing the architectural image of Irkutsk in the current circumstances

Kul'kov, Solopanov

Intensification of biological wastewater treatment in a bioreactor

Kuzmin, Ivshyna

Methods of evaluating the effectiveness of the insulation from the internal air temperature control

Kuzmin, Vasilevskaja

Analysis of economic efficiency of the internal air temperature control

Kuznetsov ,Karasev, Drobotushenko,Chapigin

Construction in post-war Siberia: Participation of German and Japan prisoners of War


Study on the dependence of the force of shock interaction on the body size using a mechanorheological model

Lavygina, Grebneva, Maizel

Environmental aspects for the reconstruction of housing and communal services in the village Listvyanka of Irkutsk region

Litvinova, Doroshenko

Improvement of the energy saving management system in the housing and utilities sector


Import substitution policy in the construction    complex of Russia in the context of the national strategy


Structural parametric optimization of the steady-state hydraulic modes of radial heating networks

Lyapin, Druzhinina

Greenways as a new type of urban green construction at the foreign architectural practice

Martyanov, Katashevtsev

Computer processing of distorted video sequences obtained by mobile road laboratories

Mashovich, Rusopov, Zaiatdinov

Ensuring Fire Safety of Constructions in Remote and Sparsely Populated Areas

Matveeva, Kalyuzhnova

Industrial Construction: Investment Support in Entrepreneurship

Matveeva, Doroshenko, Sukhanova

On the issue of cost and timing of contract tenders for industrial and civil construction


Software for on-line testing of pipeline modeling methods

Muzychuk, Muzychuk

Energy efficiency forecast of the Krasnoyarsk region


Man on Baikal: History of Interaction with the Environment

Naumov, Naumova, Uvarova

Social-economic and cultural development of Siberia in the 1920s-1990s


Theory of tax variation calculation

Nechaev, Rasputina

Integrated depreciation management system


Innovation incentive mechanism in the construction industry

Nikolskiy, Shupletsov, Beregova

The «New Angrarstroy» as a project of non-primary-based integration of Russian and Chinese economies: opportunities and challenges

Nizamutdinova , Nikitin

The factors of form building in maximally perceived architecture and design

Novikov, Borisov

The experience of state and especially military construction in the Civil war in Easten Siberia territory

Ovsiannikova, Rabtsevich, Yugova

Development of methodological approaches to housing investment market competitive environment assessment


Research on the prospects for the use of waste-based composite materials

Peshkov A.

Remote mortgage lending as a resource for housing development

Peshkov А.

Digitalization of the economy, implementation of national projects and development of the construction industry

Peshkov V., Gertsekovich, Gorbachevskaya

Dilapidated and dilapidated housing in the aspect of the Federal project "Ensuring sustainable reduction of uninhabitable housing"

Peshkov V., Doroshenko, Sukhanova

Contract bidding and quality of industrial and civil construction

Pinchuk, Maizel , Bezrukikh

Factors separating the initial (maximum) price of the state construction contract

Pinus, Khardaev

Strength kinetics of bent reinforced concrete elements in the process of deep freezing


Determination of the percentage of lime in the strengthening of clay soils using pH

Polyakova, Zaleshin, Polyakov

Formation of the assessment method of the living environment comfortability in cities


SmartEnergyCover simulation in the installation of mining farms with waste heat


Author's approach to selection of municipal property management forms and methods


Goals and objectives of municipal property management in current conditions


Business in the digital economy: russian and foreign experience

Pulyaevskaya, Pulyaevskaya

Modern assessment of social psychological sustainability and urban environment quality


Main aspects of innovation development of the construction industry


Directions for small business development in the Russian Federation

Rudykh, Shilova

Tourism investment development of the Baikal region: basic issues, challenges and prospects

Ruposov, Belikov

Research of innovative models in construction

Ryabchenkova, Kozmina

Evolution of the planning structure of retail spaces on the example of Irkutsk


Legal responsibility in the apartment building management

Selezneva, Shustov

Concreting in dry hot climate

Shaburov, Polonov

Experience in the installation of coatings of warm asphalt mixes in the first road-climate zone

Shcherbin, Gorbach, Savenkov

Strengthening of a node of connection of floor slabs with racks in structural systems with without a crossbar framework

Shcherbin,Gorbach, Savenkov

Influence of properties and amount of foam on quality of foam concrete

Shelekhov, Dorofeeva, Smirnov, Shelekhov

Evaluation of new possibilities of using thermoelectric generators in systems of renewable energy sources (RES)


Developing physical-chemical principles to manufacture effective heating systems when using mica

Shishelova, Zhitov

Flooring modules based on mica ceramic electric heating in construction industry


Methods for producing laboratory samples of soils reinforced with inorganic binders

Sobolev , Chernigovskaya

Formation of mathematical models of stationary dynamics of structures which include thin elastic plates with distributed inertial parameters

Stepanenko , Tatarnikov, Cherdakova

Legal protection of BIM products

Svetnik, Fedyukovich

The Methods for Shifting the Business Strategy of the Developing Organization to the Operational Level


Public and private partnership as a tool for innovation and investment stimulation

Tolstoy, Belookaya, Tolstoy, Leontyev, Tunik

The multifunctional power container. Water treatment

Tsyrempilov, Alekseeva

Analysis of monotown development support measures in the Russian Federation

Tunik, Tolstoy, Stom, Popova, Popov

Use of microbial fuel cells and solar collectors in the multifunctional energy container

Turkova, Arkhipova

Innovative development of Irkutsk region

Turkova, Arkhipova

Development of digital economy in Irkutsk region

Tyapkina, Mongush, Iyina

Cyclical fluctuations of the Russian economy

Urazova, Kotelnikov, Martynyuk

Infrastructure project planning


Evolvement of Eastern Siberia's heavy industry: formation experience and modern development trends

Volkova, Stepanenko

Traffic intensity on highway R-255 Siberia in Irkutsk region

Yamshchikova, Bobrova

Concession agreements in municipal property management system: problems and prospects of use

Zakharov, Shaukalova

Methodological aspects of optimization of small enterprises in modern conditions of the Russian economy

Zedgenizov, Strizhakov

Classification of Urban Focal Points Based on Cluster Analysis

Zharkaya, Sangin, Ayurova

Development of urban infrastructure on the example of Ulan-Ude

Zheleznyak, Korelina

Quality of Modern Learning Environment and Health-Saving Discourses

Rybinskaya, Rybinskiy, Bergen

Environmental and economic performance assessment of elemental sulfur recovery unit installation project

Rosina, Komarov, Ivanov, Popov

Vibrational mechanochemical polishing and application of protective and decorative oxide coating on construction products, parts and workpieces made of aluminum